Ergo Conference Chair

These days, due to the expansion of the activities of organizations and companies and changes in their work system, conference rooms and holding meetings have found their space in work environments, the most important components of which are tables and chairs, which can be selected by choosing the most suitable options based on design principles. and furnished the interior decoration of this space. What, after the visual beauty of the conference chair, is the most important selection factor is compliance with the standards of ergonomics and chair design, which, considering that meetings and conferences usually last for several hours, people feel comfortable sitting on them and in the long run, they do not feel slouched and Avoid sagging.

SKU: Code: CE880 Category:


Using cold foam for durability and increasing the useful life of the chair and adding HD sponge in the back and seat, which makes it softer and more comfortable in long-term work.
Using aluminum materials (diecast) to make the handle
The handle pad is made of integral foam, which is noticeably soft
Wear-resistant PU leather cover with stitching

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